Amy Huggins Success Story
Amy has now been a DediKate member for over a year!
She has learned to embrace the highs and lows as part of her journey and loves the support she gets from the DediKate team and it's members. Read on to find out more...
I have officially made it to the end of my first year of DediKate and was just a little excited about receiving my DediKate cap in the mail this week!
In this past year I have had weeks where I’ve been pumping our 4+ workouts/runs a week and then other times where I’ve been injured and haven’t been able to complete any. I’ve had times when I’m crushing it with a DediKate challenge and other times when life’s pressures just get all too overwhelming and I struggle to even complete it.
What I have loved about DediKate is no matter what season I have been in this year, I’ve never once felt like I have failed. Somehow at all the right times when I’ve needed it, Kate (or one of her amazing team) has always posted a quote, story, video or confessional (often from own personal experience) that has reminded me that it’s actually impossible to always be on top of everything! There will always be highs and lows and it’s what you do in those lows that makes you who you are.
Kate has taught me not to just write off a challenge because you had a bad week or even two. Cross those weeks out and carry on. At the end of the day it’s not even about the challenge. It’s about continually putting one step in front of the other to being the best you for your friends, family and most importantly for yourself.
I would like to have told a story that in this past year, since starting DediKate I have powered through all my working outs no matter what life has thrown me but this is real life. So… If your smashing your workouts right now - you are awesome. Keep rocking it! If your struggling - you're awesome! Hang in there and keep working on it. You haven’t failed. You are worth it!